Junior Corps

September 2013, with co-advisors Karin Halstead and Archie Paloian

The Sandy Hook Volunteer Fire & Rescue Company’s Junior Corps has been active for seven years. It allows boys and girls ages 14-16 who live in Newtown — not just the Sandy Hook district — to gain experience before joining the company. The Juniors have a business meeting at 7 pm on the second Monday of every month. The Juniors attend the two drills a month with the company and do smaller drills themselves. They are required to participate in all fundraising activites. The Junior Corps Advisor is Karin Halstead.
Per Section 31-23 of the CT General Statues below is a list of activities 14-15 year olds can do between the hours of 7 am and 10 pm:
*Attend meetings concluding no later than 10 pm throughout the year;
*Respond to incidents between the hours of 7 am and 7 pm and remain at the scene no later than 10 pm;
*Wear Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) or uniform that readily identifies him/her as a Cadet/Explorer or similar status;
*Receive instruction and engage in training that does not involve fire, smoke (except theatrical or latex smoke), toxic or noxious gas, or hazardous materials or substances;
*After receiving proper training, Junior Corps members may respond to emergencies on emergency apparatus (must be age 15);
*Observe exterior firefighting activities while under supervision by a certified firefighter;
*Provide cleanup services at the scene of a fire (limited to exterior) after the IC (Incident Commander) has declared the scene is safe;
*Participate in functions within the rehabilitation area; and
*Upon certification from the State of CT, young adults may perform EMS related duties, such as CPR, defibrillation, splinting, controlling of bleeding, assessment of vital signs, and providing oxygen. Minors must be under the supervision of an EMS provider who is over 18 and of equal or higher EMS certification level.