When is LobsterFest?
We hold LobsterFest the weekend after our annual meeting, which is conducted the first Monday in June.
What are the hours?
5-9 pm Friday, 4-9 pm Saturday
Can I buy my tickets in advance?
Full dinner tickets are available for $35 (steak or lobster dinner) or $10 (hamburger or hot dog dinner) from members of our company. They are also available at The Newtown Bee, 5 Church Hill Road; and the Office of the Fire Marshal at Newtown Municipal Center, 3 Primrose Street.
Advance ticket sales are cash or check only.
Advance sales close at noon of LobsterFest Friday. After that hour, all tickets must be purchased at our main station (18-20 Riverside Road), at the door price.
Who do I write my check to?
Can I buy my tickets at the door?
At the door, steak and lobster dinner tickets are $40. Hamburger and hot dog dinners are still $10.
How do I pay for my tickets?
At the door we accept cash, checks, and most credit/debit cards (AmEx, Discover, MasterCard, and Visa),
Do you accept Apple Pay?
What’s for dinner?
Every full dinner comes with an entree plus corn on the cob, Manhattan style chowder, a dinner roll, potato salad, and a water or soda.
Are there vegetarian options?
In addition to full dinner tickets, guests are welcome to purchase any item a la carte. See full menu listing in the question above.
Are there paleo options?
Please see above answer.
Can I do take-out?
Yes. We have a full serving line set up in the back bays for those who want to grab dinner and take it home, or grab extra food on the way out. The volunteers working there will pack your dinner while you wait.
Please let the parking attendant(s) know you’re doing takeout before you park. They’ll direct you to an area set aside for those who are taking dinners to go.
How do I pay for take-out?
Same options as above — discounted tickets in advance or full price at the door. ***There is a full cash register operating in the take-out area. You do not have to get into the dinner line to purchase take-out dinners. Go right to the bay marked Take-Out Dinners.
Is there any alternative food and beverage for those who don’t or can’t eat seafood, meat, dairy and/or eggs?
See above for the menu including the sides. All sides can be purchased a la carte.
Any non- or barely alcoholic bevs like Kombucha, cider, coffee, etc?
We have a full bar set up. Beer, wine, hard seltzer and water can be purchased there. Cash only at the bar.
There is also a soda and water station near the food serving line.
Is there indoor seating?
Tables are set up in the bays and under large catering tents.
Is there outdoor seating?
See above.
Can I bring my dog?
In short, No. Service animals only.
Health Department regulations prevent pets from being at this event.
There are also large crowds and a lot of food. Neither is conducive to animals.
Please leave pets home. Those who arrive with dogs and any other animals not clearly marked as service animals will be asked to take those animals home.
But my dog is really cute…
See above.
What if I run out of cash?
We have an ATM on site all weekend.
Is LobsterFest rain or shine?
Where do I park?
We have volunteers help with traffic. Turn on to Dickinson Drive when you arrive and follow their guidance. We utilize the lots at Sandy Hook School and the field behind our main station for LobsterFest guests.
There is also parking for those with handicapped permits close to the firehouse. Please tell the parking attendant if you need to use one of those spaces.
Our neighbors at The Children’s Adventure Center allow guests to use their lot for LobsterFest.